Seniors’ Ministry @ Beachside Baptist Church

The Senior Ministry at Beachside Baptist Church is very active. In addition to our monthly fellowship meetings/meals, we are also involved in a special ministry – CAREGIVER SUPPORT TEAM… Available to make visits to church family members at local facilities, either residing there as residents or for temporary Rehab. The caregiver support team also is available to coordinate meal carry-in for those church family members experiencing recent hospitalizations, hardships, or crisis.

If interested in being a part of our team, or know of church members who would benefit from a visit, please contact us.

Monthly Senior Fellowship Meal

Once a month* our Seniors get together and fellowship with one another. A meal is provided (by members or catered in), with games &/or a guest speaker presenting information relevant for Seniors. You do not need to be a member of Beachside Baptist Church to participate. Anyone 55+ is welcome, and if you have a guest or friend that is younger, they are welcomed too. Please note, however, there is no childcare or nursery available during our regularly scheduled meetings.

These events are normally scheduled on a Wednesday beginning at 12:00 noon. See our event calendar for the next scheduled Senior Fellowship program. If you have any questions, please contact the Pastor or any Deacon.

Next Senior Fellowship Opportunity:

*Check calendar for event – dates, time and location are subject to change.

Next Upcoming Event
2 April 2025
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