Gospel of John Sermon Series
Most Recent:
Older Gospel of John Sermons
The Last Week of Jesus
No Small Thing…
Next Time Rather than What If
evening service John 8:1-11 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Is Eternal Security Real?
Morning Sermon - John 10:27-29 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the...
What Kind of Death Did Jesus Face?
Good Friday service John 19:14-18a If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
The Disciples’ Struggle
evening service John 20:19-29 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Restoration of the Fallen
evening service John 21
The Risen Savior
Morning Sermon John 20
What’s It to Ya?
Morning Sermon John 21:15-22
The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
evening service - John 19
The Arrest of Jesus Christ
evening service - John 18
Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer – part 1
evening service - John 17:1-5
Praying in Jesus’ Name
evening service - John 16:23-33
The Mission of the Comforter
evening service - John 16:1-22
Out of This World
evening service - John 15:18-27
Friends in High Places
evening service - John 15:1-17
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
evening service - John 14:15-31
Our Home in Heaven
evening service - John 14:1-14
Love Commanded
evening service - John 13:31-38
Love Betrayed
evening service - John 13:1-30
If I Be Lifted Up
evening service - John 12:27-33
A Corn of Wheat
evening service - John 12:20-28
A Trip to Town
evening service - John 12:1-19
The Saga of Lazarus
evening service - John 11
Eternal Security
evening service - John 10:22-38
The Good Shepherd
evening service - John 10:1-21
Just Passing By
evening service - John 9:1-7
I Am
evening service - John 8:53
Free Indeed
evening service - John 8:31-36
Blinded By the Light
evening service - John 8:12-30
Don’t Throw Stones
evening service - John 8:1-11
Jesus Causes Division
evening service - John 7:1-53 Regrettably our sound system did not record the last 10 minutes of this sermon. We...
The Bread of Life
evening service - John 6:22-71
Show and Tell
evening service - John 6:1-21
Witnesses to the Son
evening service - John 5:31-47
The Two Resurrections
evening service - John 5:25-29
You Can’t Please Everyone
evening service - John 5:10-24
Rules for the Use of the Pool
evening service John 5:1-9
Let Jesus Meet Your Need
evening John 4:43-54
The Witness at the Well
evening John 4:1-42
One Above All Others
evening service John 3:22-36
The Gospel in Miniature
Evening Worship Service John 3:14-21
To See God’s Kingdom
Morning Sermon John 3:1-13
The Temple Incident
Evening Worship Service John 2:13-25
The Beginning of Miracles
Evening Worship Service John 2:1-12
The Faith to Be a Disciple of Jesus
Evening Worship Service John 1:35-51
The Testimony of John the Baptist
Evening Service John 1:19-34 At the end of every Sunday evening service, Pastor Shobert answers questions and allows...
5 Hushpuppies, 2 Sailors’ Choice & 4 Kinds of Faith
Morning Sermon John 6:1-15