Nehemiah Sermon Series
God has gifted every believer, and He has placed something in all our hearts to do for His kingdom. Nehemiah had to trust the Lord in a situation where he did not know the outcome or how God was going to use him. Even so, he trusted God, and God used him to prepare the way for the Messiah. Nehemiah’s calling was to build the wall in Jerusalem for God’s glory. What is God calling you to do with every moment of your life for His glory?
If you are searching for a place to share and use your God-given gift, we welcome you to share in this joy at Beachside Baptist Church in New Smyrna Beach, Florida.
Most Recent:
Older Nehemiah Sermons
Neglecting the House: Part 2
Neglecting the House
Moving Forward
The Goodness of God in the Midst of Our Disobedience
The Goodness (& Awe) of God
The Goodness of God
Authentic Worship
Joy in Obedience
The Joy of Repentance
What Discipleship Looks Like
Come to the Altar
A Heart of Revival
Be Quick to Listen
Worshiping With Fear & Reverence
Standing Firm on Truth
Living with Faith
Change Starts with You – Part 2
Change Starts with You!
A Heart of Mercy
Unity for the Sake of the Gospel – Part 2
Sunday, May 31 Service – provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah 4....
Unified for the Sake of the Gospel
Sunday, May 24 Service – provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah 3....
Building God’s Church
Sunday, May 17 Service – provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah...
Trust in the Lord
Sunday, April 19 Service – provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah...
Having a Heart Like Nehemiah
Sunday, April 19 Service - provided online due to coronavirus social distancing. Scripture is taken from Nehemiah 1....