Philippians Sermon Series
In this study, the hope is for you to see Philippians in a way that demonstrates the beauty of the gospel. As we begin this story, we see a few individuals described in Acts who became the core of a church that did enormous things for the gospel. Three unlikely characters, each with different gifts, struggles, and tragedy. These individuals are just like us! Each of them struggled and failed time and time again after their conversion. God in His grace can use our weakness and brokenness, so embrace your story and run to the beauty of the cross. Live for Christ!
Most Recent:
Older Philippians Sermons
The Cure for Anxiety – Part 3
The Cure for Anxiety – Part 2
The Cure for Anxiety
What Are You Known For?
Rejoice in the Lord
Strive for Unity
Citizen of Heaven
Holy Tears
Follow Jesus
A recording of this sermon can be found on Facebook. Audio begins a few minutes into the sermon. We...
Looking Forward
Addicted to Comfort
Spiritual Inventory
Integrity Matters
Jesus is Lord!
The Greatest Miracle in History
The Beauty of Humility
A Life of Integrity
Fight for Joy
Under Construction
Philippians: Introduction
Final Steps to Joy and Contentment
evening service Philippians 4:8-19 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Living a Life of Gratitude
evening service Philippians 4:1-7 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Joy and the Fulfilled Life: Moving Forward
evening service Philippians 3:12-16 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Keeping Our Joy in Spite of Difficult People
evening service Philippians 3:1-11 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
True Friends
evening service Philippians 2:19-30 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Having a Right Attitude for Real Joy
evening service Philippians 2:11-18 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Unity Through Christ: To Be Like Jesus
evening service Philippians 2:1-11 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
An Attitude of Gratitude
evening service Philippians 1:12-24 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Real Joy
evening service Philippians 1:1-11 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.