Topical Sermons Sermon Series
The sermons within this series cover a wide range of topics. They span several years and contain messages brought by several pastors. We hope that you will find the topic (or topics) you are searching for and enjoy listening to these messages.
Perhaps you are needing counseling or have other spiritual needs. We are here for you! If you have questions and cannot find the answer on our website, please contact us.
Most Recent:
Older Topical Sermons Sermons
Cold, Hot or Lukewarm?
evening service Rev. 3:14-22 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Starting Out 2020 the Right Way: The Lord’s Supper
Morning Sermon 1 Corinthians 11:23-29 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact...
Step Into the Water
evening service Joshua 3:10-13 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Is Eternal Security Real?
Morning Sermon - John 10:27-29 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the...
When Life Goes to Pieces
Morning Sermon 1 Kings 17 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the pastor.
The Days of Joel
evening service Joel 1:13-16 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
The Ingredients of a Good Life
Morning Sermon Proverbs 4:20-5:4 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the...
Redeeming the Time
evening service Ephesians 5:15-16 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
Why We Celebrate the Lord’s Supper
Morning Sermon Matthew 26:26-30 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the...
Persistence in Prayer
Morning Sermon Luke 18:1-8 If you have any questions concerning these verses of scripture, please contact the...
The Second Temptation of Christ: Sick Religion
evening service Matthew 4:5-7 If you have any questions regarding these scriptures please contact the pastor.
The First Temptation of Christ: Flesh
evening service Matthew 4:1-4 We sincerely apologize for the first few minutes of this sermon not being recorded. If...
Faith Triumphs in Trouble
Morning Sermon Romans 5:1-5
What the World Needs Now
Morning Sermon Psalm 142:4
The Savior is Born
Morning Sermon Luke 2:4-20 Message only (without music).
Recognizing and Responding to the Messiah
Morning Sermon Luke 2:25-32
Advice for Ethical Decision Making
evening service 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
Triple Trouble and a Sure Cure
Morning Sermon Psalm 51:10-13 We regret that the first few minutes of this sermon were not recorded.
Making Fallow Ground Hallowed Ground
Morning Sermon Hosea 10:12
Love So Amazing, So Divine
Morning Sermon Hosea 3:1-5
What’s It to Ya?
Morning Sermon John 21:15-22
Seasons of Pain
Morning Sermon 2 Corinthians 4:7-12 and 16-18 Guest pastor, Timothy Hildreth We regret that the first few minutes of...
What I Have in the Lord
Morning Sermon Matthew 19:16-30 1. Abundant Help 2. Absolute Hope 3. Abiding Home
No Small Thing Happened on Calvary
Morning Sermon 1 Corinthians 1:17-18
Four Important Things Every Christian Should Know
Morning Sermon Various scriptures within the New Testament Guest speaker, Brother Gary Hoornstra
Seasons of Change
Morning Sermon Acts 8:1-3 and 9:1-19 Guest pastor, Timothy Hildreth
Transformed Lives Can Transform Lives
Morning Sermon Acts 5:29 Guest speaker, Brother Gary Hoornstra
Greatest Invitation
Morning Sermon Matthew 11:28-30 Guest pastor, Marty Beall
It’s a Risky Business We’re In
Morning Sermon Joshua 1:1-9 Guest pastor, Tim Hildreth.
The Prodigal Son & Other Son
Morning Sermon Luke 15:11-32 Guest pastor, Andy Pollock, poses the question "Which son do you relate to?" in this...
Good Snake
Morning Sermon Numbers 21:4-9 and 2 Kings 18:1
Transformed Faith Thinking
Morning Sermon Romans 12:2 We sincerely apologize for the gap within the sermon audio recording.
When the Fish Won’t Bite
Morning Sermon Luke 5:1-11
Living a Victorious Life Even During Trials
Morning Sermon Joshua 1:1-19
The Lord’s Supper – Devotional Thought
Morning Sermon Scripture referenced: Romans 5:1-11
5 Hushpuppies, 2 Sailors’ Choice & 4 Kinds of Faith
Morning Sermon John 6:1-15
Who in the World Are You?
Morning Sermon 1 Peter 2:9-12