December 01, 2024


SPEAKER: Pastor Khalil Ayoub
Matthew 25


Advent Sermon Series 2024

I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your friends and family. Last week was so encouraging to hear so many testimonies from those in our church on what God has done this year. Too often we keep our stories quiet, but as we witnessed last week, when we share our stories it encourages so many! All of us have so much to be thankful for, and I hope this week you had time to count your many blessings.

This week we will start our Advent series preparing our hearts for Christmas. You may ask what is Advent? Advent is what we call the season leading up to Christmas. The word advent itself means “arrival” or “an appearing or coming into place. Each year on December 25, we celebrate the first arrival of our Savior. Advent doesn’t just celebrate Christ’ first coming, but it anticipates His second coming also. I know all of us long for our Savior to come once again, which is why we wait with anticipation and celebrate what He has already done this season.

This week we will discuss that Jesus is our hope. Biblical hope is expecting and believing that something is going to happen with confidence. We should have confidence that our Lord will return and our future is already written. May this series of Advent encourage your soul to look to Jesus Who is our Hope, our Peace, our Joy, and Who is love.

In Christ,
Pastor Khalil Ayoub

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We would love for you to share this message with friends, family, and neighbors. This is a great opportunity to reach out to our community and encourage them with the hope of the gospel!

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