January 26, 2025

Making Disciples

SPEAKER: Pastor Khalil Ayoub
Matthew 28 and Deuteronomy 6
Mission and Vision


Mission & Vision of Beachside Baptist Church

I hope you’re having a wonderful week! Can you believe January is already coming to an end? As we move into this new year, my prayer is that each of you finds a way to connect with the church body and use the unique gifts God has given you.

This is the final week to stop by the information table and sign up for ministries where you can serve as a volunteer or participate in other ways. We still have several areas where your gifts can make a difference in furthering God’s Kingdom. Next week, we’ll begin following up with everyone who has expressed interest in specific ministries. Thank you for being faithful to your calling!

If you’re planning to attend the upcoming marriage conference, please register soon, especially if you’ll need childcare. This will be a fantastic weekend, and we don’t want you to miss it! The registration link is included below.

Have an amazing week, and thank you for being a part of our Beachside family!

In Christ,
Pastor Khalil Ayoub

If you haven’t already, please subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our sermons to participate in our online worship services.

We would love for you to share this message with friends, family, and neighbors. This is a great opportunity to reach out to our community and encourage them with the hope of the gospel!

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